Tuesday, March 24, 2020

April 2020 Meeting.

It looks unlikely that the library will be open in time for the April meeting of the North Providence Mystery Book Club. So, we will be reading Mangle Street Murders for the May meeting. Stay safe and practice social distancing.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

April 2020 Book Selection

Join the North Providence Mystery Book Club on Tuesday April 7, 2020. The book we will be reading is The Mangle Street Murders by M.R.C. Kasasian. This is the first book in The Gower Street Detective series, featuring March Middleton and her guardian, detective Sidney Grice.

The description from the large print edition is, “After her father dies, March Middleton moves to London to live with her guardian, the famous private detective Sidney Grice. In 1882, London is at its murkiest yet most vibrant, wealthiest yet most poverty-stricken. Then a young woman is brutally murdered, and her husband is the only suspect. The victim’s mother is convinced of her son-in-law’s innocence, and March is so touched she offers to cover Sidney’s fee herself. The investigation leads to the dark alleys of the East End; every twist leads Sidney to think his client is guilty.”

We will be meeting in the Second Floor Meeting Room at 7 pm.