Tuesday, April 1, 2014

June 2014 Selection

Join the North Providence Mystery Book Club on Tuesday June 3, 2014 at 7:00 PM as we discuss A Test of Wills by Charles Todd. This is the first book featuring Inspector Ian Rutledge, a Scotland Yard Inspector who is a veteran of World War I.
From the author’s website: “Ian Rutledge, returned home from the trenches of the Great War, loses his fiancee Jean after long months in the hospital with what is now called PTSD, and faces a bleak future. Fight back from the edge of madness, he returns to his career at Scotland Yard. But Chief Superintendent Bowles is determined to break him. And so Rutledge finds himself in Warwickshire where the only witness to the murder of Colonel Harris is the drunken ex-soldier suffering from shell-shock. Rutledge is fighting his own battles with the voice of Corporal Hamish MacLeod in his head, survivor’s guilt after the bloody 1916 Battle of the Somme. The question is, will he win this test of wills with Hamish—or is the shell shocked man a mirror of what he’ll become if he fails to keep his madness at bay?”
Charles Todd is the pseudonym of a mother and son writing team of Caroline and Charles Todd.
The Book Club will not be meeting in May.